Monday, January 26, 2009

The Squad Books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Perfect cover
Bayport High’s Varsity cheer squad is made up of the hottest of the hot. But this A-list is dangerous in more ways than one. The Squad is actually a cover for the most highly trained group of underage government operatives the United States has ever assembled. They have the perfect cover, because, beyond herkeys and highlights, no one expects anything from a cheerleader. – from Barnes and Noble Synopsis

Killer Spirit
Saying Toby Klein is an unlikely cheerleader is like saying Paris Hilton might be into guys–understatement of the year. But as a Bayport High cheerleader and an undercover government operative, she’s living a life that’s anything but typical. Being on the Squad has its benefits, but just as Toby is getting the hang of protocol and pep rallies, fate kicks things up a notch. – from Barnes and Noble Synopsis

I love this series. I have to admit I have always disliked cheerleader, and shared many of the same prejudices that Toby does. However, if anything could have changed my mind about cheerleaders it is these books. They are fun, smart, and quick reads. I really hope Ms. Barnes has more coming in the series. I just have to know if Jack is the man we all hope he is. I also must state that Noah Rocks!!! Now if we could just get a new book SOON. I would be very happy!!

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